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How a business responds to a crisis reveals what they truly value. Here is the commitment of Daniel Builders thru COVID19. Your email is full of message after message from business after business telling you how they will address the COVID-19 crisis. Make no mistake, we are equally committed to taking every hygiene and sanitary precaution with our employees, clients, trades and community at large.
We want to go a step further though. We want to aggressively deploy our values - Jesus Christ, Trust, and Generous Giving - in new ways. Here are 7 practical ways.
Compassion - We can deliver items of need (medicine, food, or household goods) to those shut-in or at-risk. We can also help with urgent home repairs. We can’t meet every need, but we’re committed to meeting as many as we can.
Stability - Panic will not be a determining factor for any decision about the business.
Trust - Relationships we’ve built throughout the community are vital as ever. We’re doubling down on our mantra and tagline of “Building Trust”.
Hope - You see what a person really hopes in when everything in their life feels threatened. We have a Living Hope that never loses power, and we will gladly share that hope.
Endurance - Quitting, hiding, hoarding are the easy responses. They’re all terrible options though. We refuse to entertain them.
Creativity - So far, the impact to our business has been minimal. We realize things could change dramatically though. If so, we’ll apply heavy doses of creativity to adapt to the market.
Resource - For those committed to showing compassion during this time we make ourselves available to you as a resource.
Are you contemplating a major home renovation? Speak with a Daniel Builders project guide by calling 864.506.5546 and discuss the best path forward for your custom renovation or get your renovation started here!