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Daniel Builders has a highly effective in-house salesforce called Project Guides, but did you know we also have a voluntary sales force?
Yes, you read that correctly, “voluntary”. Who would attempt to sell something without receiving any benefit for their effort? We’re consistently humbled by the kindness of our voluntary salesforce, composed of raving fans who share their positive experience through word-of-mouth referrals.
On this episode of Ready, Set, Renovate! you’ll hear from a current fan and past client, Terry Conner. Terry hired Daniel Builders to remodel his condo in downtown Greenville, SC. He also serves on the HOA board that partnered with Daniel Builders to transform several units in the building. Terry shares his renovation experience from this unique vantage point. It’s nothing like a traditional sales pitch, but you may walk away sold on Daniel Builders.
So let’s get to it!
How might your home or condo benefit from a Guide-Design-Build remodel? Speak with a Daniel Builders project guide by calling 864.506.5546 and discuss the best path forward for your custom renovation or get your renovation started here!