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How much Design time should you spend prior to remodeling your home?
Some remodels require extensive Design work. Producing architectural drawings, a detailed scope of work, a complete list of selections and a fixed cost to build is time consuming. Which is precisely why Daniel Builders created the Guide-Design-Build process, to handle the bigger, more complex remodels.
Not all remodels require this level of upfront legwork though. Some have a super straight forward Scope of Work, which means the remodeling process is different. At Daniel Builders these remodels are known as Direct Projects, as they largely bypass the Design phase and go directly to the Build phase. Sometimes a client brings Design work from a third party architect and/or designer, which also could be considered a Direct Project in our business model.
In this episode of Ready, Set, Renovate Many Figueroa discusses Direct Projects and identifies the type of remodel that makes a "good fit” for this division of Daniel Builders. As you’ll hear, Manny thrives on being a problem solver, as well as someone who facilitates a wonderful remodeling experience for his clients. So let’s get to it!
Do you have a question about Design time or our Guide-Design-Build process? Speak with a Daniel Builders project guide by calling 864.506.5546 and discuss the best path forward for your custom renovation or get your renovation started here!