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Have you found the home you want to grow old in? Modify it to accommodate you as you age. How much thought have you given to your future living arrangements? For one of our customers the future had a sudden and unexpected twist which left him with a big decision to make. After a life altering injury his living arrangements needed to change. Where would he live?
Fortunately, moving wasn't necessary, but modifying his house was. Daniel Builders designed and renovated a living environment to fit his level of physical ability. Renovations included widening doorways, replacing flooring with hard surface types, designing, and installing a curbless shower with grab bars, installing a wheelchair lift, and creating step-less entrances.
At some point all of us need to evaluate our living arrangements due to age or injury. Assisted living facilities offer to meet long term physical needs when change becomes necessary. Problem is 1 in 5 Americans don't like the assisted living option, and prefer to age in their own homes.
Universal Design (or UD) takes many forms, and ultimately addresses the desire to age in place. Universal Design creates accessible and accommodating living environments for those who otherwise would experience significant limitations living in their home. Elements of UD include maneuverability, ease of operation (specifically in the kitchen and bathroom), range of reach (ex. lowering countertops), and support (ex. grab bars). Due to our aging population, UD is rapidly becoming relevant for a growing number of people. New construction spec homes are even being designed based on UD principles.
Are physical limitations due to age and/or injury causing your home to become a danger zone? Universal Design can clarify your options regarding future living arrangements, and help you plan effectively. More important it might just keep you where most Americans wish to stay - at home.
Are you contemplating a major home renovation? Speak with a Daniel Builders project guide by calling 864.506.5546 and discuss the best path forward for your custom renovation or get your renovation started here!